Back with a long overdue update.

OK, I have been neglecting the blog somewhat this year, so firstly my apologies for no updates in the last few months. Twitter seems to occupy my time lately and I am still surprised at how much interest photo's of me in my underwear still seems to attract.

For example, a recent Twitter post on 26th April in a pair of green skimpy briefs, bought cheaply on Ebay (via China) has proved my most popular post so far, currently gaining 481 likes and 17,563 views. Crazy! The photo in question is below, so let me know your thoughts, comments on it too.

So if you want to check me out on Twitter, you can find me here:

So I have to admit that for the first time in years, I have calmed down with the amount of underwear I buy! I have moved house in the last six months and it wasn't until I had to pack all the underwear away for relocating, that I realised I had so many pairs and it took up so much drawer space. So i decided to cut down the amount of pairs I bought every month. Don't get me wrong, I still love my passion for underwear, but I now buy about 1 pair a month now! 

So let's get some of the most recent pairs posted for you to see and hopefully comment about. Enjoy.

So if you want to contact me about anything, you can reach me via email at: or via my Twitter account @mattmansundies

Look out for my retro Y-Fronts feature coming soon!


  1. You always share a great selection of underwear. Such good taste.


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